AI helps you draw!Lets create personalized portraits in various styles exclusively for you!This is an application composed of an AI-powered magical portrait generator paired with various photo style editors.With our advanced technology and features, we aim to create diverse and portrait photos for you.* When you provide us with 15 personal profile pictures, we will apply advanced AI technology to learn from your profile photos. Subsequently, AI will analyze your pictures to understand your appearance, facial features, details, and expressions. This process helps record and train your personal AI avatar.* In the app, there is a wide variety of style options, allowing you to switch to a student uniform, capture scenes in a classroom, or instantly be on a beach. You can also transform into a cartoon character. Beyond these examples, the app features many different styles waiting for you to experience. Once youve trained your personalized avatar, you can effortlessly create photos embodying the roles you want to play.* We also offer you the option to directly use our AI to create handsome or beautiful photos in various styles.* When you have a trained personal AI avatar, you can further apply it to various styles, allowing you to become different characters within those styles. This adds more diversity to your everyday photos. You can also easily share them on your favorite social platforms and with friends.